Muse – Ben Myers Independent Music Press.
Before the mid-nineties Devon’s contribution to the rock world was at best poor. Until along came three lanky teenagers calling themselves Rocket Baby Dolls, a raw, brash, utterly confident yet uncouth band who slowly moulded themselves into the arena-playing super group we now know as Muse. If you’ve ever wondered how Muse came to be, who they are, what made them – this is the book for you. Self confessed Muse-fan Ben Myers charts each band member from birth to the present day, and it’s the intricate details and random facts that make this book a must for any Muse-follower. From revealing the rumour about Matt Bellamy buying a Paramotor (a rocket propelled jet back pack) with his first pay packet, to drug fuelled day trips to Amsterdam, to how they came to sign with Maverick; it’s a compelling story of three school boys who were determined come hell, high water and playing to just two people at The Bull & Gate, to follow their dreams of becoming a rock band.
Interviews with the band themselves, friends and family draw back the covers to reveal what makes the band tick. With a full discography, bootlegs, links and websites, the only thing missing are further pictures of the band. Love “em or loathe “em, Muse is one of the few British bands to break in Europe and US, and for that they surely deserve respect. Myers captures the way the band have grown, from being used as a cover to smuggle cigarettes and alcohol to the continent as they played in seedy French bars to headlining at some of the most famous venues in the world – Myer’s biography is well written and flows easily, overall you get the impression there’s so much more to come with this band, and this really is just the beginning.
Dee Massey