Skateboarding News

Watch: Hold Tight Henry – HD Retrospective

slam city skatesHenry Edwards-Wood, one of the busiest filmers out there this year has released an HD Retrospective on 2 years of graft documenting the lives of some of our best UK skateboarders and many more who have visited these shores.

Enjoy this footage with some unseen clips featuring Nick Jensen, Lucien Clarke, Chewy Cannon, Justin Brock, Flo Mirtain, John Tanner, Klaus Bohms, Rory Milanes, Chris Ault, Casper Brooker, Kurt Winter and many more…

Hold Tight Henry – HD Retrospective from HOLD TIGHT LONDON on Vimeo.

Skateboarding News

Slam x HTL website now online

After a monster of a year, Henry Edwards-Wood shows no sign of turning off the taps as the Hold Tight London x Slam City Skates website goes online.

The new site will feature frequently updated footage, offcuts, observations and more from the Big Smoke, as well as blogs from the globetrotting John Tanner and plenty more goodness. Click the banner below to go and have a look around yourselves.