Skateboarding News

Southbank is an Asset of Community Value

Ph: Zorlac by Styley.

Nick Zorlac, FS wallride grab off. Southbank.

News has just broken today regarding the Southbank’s next phase and once again it’s positive for skateboarders fighting to keep the history of the spot intact. Today, Lambeth Council upheld its decision to list the Undercroft as an Asset of Community Value under the ‘Localism Act’ after a claim from the Southbank Centre that it was not relevant.

The new report said:

“At the extreme ends of the spectrum, if the SBC were to close its doors tomorrow, the
skateboarders would in all likelihood continue to use the Undercroft. If the skateboarders disappeared overnight, the Southbank Centre would continue virtually unchanged. The analogy of the children’s play area in the beer garden of a pub was therefore, in the reviewer’s opinion, not a persuasive comparison put forward by SBC. If the pub closed, the children’s play area would also close. If the children’s play area closed, the pub would continue. It is clear what the primary/ancillary use relationship is in this analogy.”

You can read the full public review here. But don’t be swinging your decks in the street just yet as this is far from over. LLSB area heading to the High Court in order to attain the Village Green status to thwart future development and the Southbank Centre refuse to confirm the Undercroft is safe from destruction.