Skateboarding News

Sweeney in 3D

Right now for reasons I’m not particularly sure of we have hundreds of 3D glasses scattered around the office and we have been waiting for literally a couple of days to have a use for them. Thankfully, Aaron Sweeney went to Saffron Walden with the Volcom crew to do some test shooting in 3D.

If you have some of the new school glasses then you might not be rubbing your eyes as much as I am as I type this straight after watching it. But this clip is sick, immersive skate media for the future! It’s Friday so you’re okay to look stupid for a couple of  minutes, put on those cardboard throwbacks and check out the radness below…

3D skate test – Saffron Walden – Anaglyph 720p from Andy Bellamy on Vimeo.