Writer and comedian, Armando Iannucci once said that there are only two specific things in life that can make a human truly happy. The first, was the feeling of opening a new CD and the other, was seeing other people fail. So we’re offering you the chance to experience both as by entering this competition not only might you win six of our favourite albums from 2010 but if you do win, then everyone else loses! Hooray!
So just answer the very simple question below and six CDs might be on their way to you very soon. The CDs included in the package are:
Les Savy Fav – Root For Ruin
The Sword – Warp Riders
Red Sparowes – The Fear Is Excruciating, But Therin Lies The Answer
The Gaslight Anthem – American Slang
Musée Mécanique – Hold This Ghost
The Wonder Years – The Upsides
The deadline for this competition is November 30th.