Skateboarding News

New Cirencester Skatepark incoming

Skaters around the edges of the Cotswolds area of Great Britain will be delivered a brand new 890 sq metre plaza this summer. Kingshill Sports Ground in Cirencester has been awarded the facility after securing a grant from the Sport England Inspired Fund. We spoke to park designer Marc Churchill from 1Skateparks last night to give us an insight into how this all came together:

“We’re really stoked to be starting work on the Cirencester project. It’s been a long time coming, we’ve been working with the Cirencester Council and Decimal Skate shop really closely tweaking back and forth the design until it was exactly what everyone wanted.

There were in total 3 consultations and 5 revisions with Gaz and the crew at Decimal, but those guys knew what they wanted – a rad Plaza! Work begins really soon so it should be ready for shredding by the summer.”

For updates and info check out the Decimal and 1skateparks Facebook pages.


Skateboarding News

New bowl photos and video from Bay 66

More photos and some footage of the ongoing Nike SB build at Bay Sixty 6 skatepark have been added to the feature this morning. Head over here to get a quick update from our Dutch friends who are stitching the new bowl together.
