Not Another Transworld Video
A film by Jon Holland and Chris Ray
“Oh no! Not another Transworld video?!?!?” I hear you say. Jon Holland and Chris Ray are well aware that the skateboard publication has served us more than it’s fair share of audiovisual documentation, so when tackling the task of adding another video to the pile, the creators had some fun with the title at least. The cast is a who’s who of who’s hot right now and I have to admit that this selection is pretty damn good: Theotis Beasley, Nestor Judkins, Shane O’Neill, Mike Anderson and Wes Kremer.
Let me begin by saying that NATV watches like you were reading an issue of TWS magazine. By that I mean that each section is like an individual article that you will either like or dislike, skim or study, and peppered throughout is obvious and less obvious adverting from those who helped fund the project. Personally I could do without some of the blatant logo placement, but let me send a message to Go Pro and Shake Junt who might be mistaken for an atheletes foot remedies thanks to the filthy foot on display during their skit.
Anyway, back to the skating. Transworld took a bold step many moons ago to not include the names of skaters during the opening and middle montage sections. The result means you focus on the amazing skateboarding on display and not the name of each hungry amateur getting sweaty for the camera. Sidetracking slightly, how funny would it be if they used name credits in porn movies? I reckon it would be distracting to say the least. However, please can I propose that TWS include an option to add the names for old out of touch critics like myself who find it incredibly hard to keep up to date with all the new pixelated faces that I watch on the computer each day.
Theotis Beasley opens the show with a Waka Flocka anthem ‘Hard in the Paint’. I don’t know if Theotis is going ‘hard in the paint’ himself because he seems to be a genuinely easy going guy, but his suave skills on the skateboard have definitely propelled him to the ranks of professional for Baker since this video part dropped. With backing from The Boss, Andrew Reynolds, the future looks bright for Theotis. My favourite trick: The backside double heelflip over a gap.
Next in line is Nestor Judkins, another newly crowned professional for Enjoi. Nestor is obviously in touch with his board as well as the spots he skates. May I take the opportunity to say that Nestor’s section was like modern days take on one of the early Stereo videos. There’s quality over quantity even though his section runs for a healthy few minutes. My favourite trick: The frontside nosebluntslide pop over to backside nosebluntslide pop over line.
A brief funny-if-you-were-there skit by skipping extraordinaire Jimmy Carlin offers us a toilet / cigarette break before Shane O’Neill steps up to bat. I know that Shane has turned most of the industry on it’s head and has kids destroying the rewind and slo-mo options on their computers, but his flip trick wizardry doesn’t really do it for me. The analogy has probably been said before but Shane O’Neill skates like a robot that has returned from the future in a bid to destroy any and all tech skaters’ dreams. So far he has accomplished his mission without breaking a single smile that is until his ender. My favourite trick: The super long perfectly poised frontside boardslide.
Another nameless montage and we get to my favourite section: Mike Anderson. Manderson (as the industry has so creatively dubbed him) skates fast. Very fast. So fast in fact that I advise you to watch this section at least three times in a row to try and comprehend just how gnarly some of his tricks are. The other great thing about Mike is that he smiles (Take note kids!) when he skates. Why? Well maybe he has understood that when you boil this entire HD, pro, globetrotting skateboard bonanza down to the core all you’re left with is a toy that’s great fun to play with. My favourite trick: The massive alleyoop frontside 180 out of a bumpy bump to switch crooks a tall wall.
Helas, NATV draws to a close and new Sk8 Mafia’s pro Wes Kremer is dealt the tough card of ending it on a high note. Luckily Wes was born in a Wu Tang t-shirt, Khaki pants and with a skateboard under his feet because he takes to the task with ease. The first thing that came to my mind as I watched Wes annihilate spot after spot was ATV: All Terrain Vehicle. Concrete bowls, Rails, Ledges, Walls… The list goes on and on and Wes always has something original to offer. My favourite trick: The fast footed switch frontside 180 to backside 180 hop down a big double set followed by a perfect switch 360 flip down an even bigger set of stairs.
Honestly, Jon Holland and Chris Ray have chosen wisely for this latest offering from the Transworld camp. Yet again they have shined the light on the faces that are grabbing skateboarding by the ball-bearings and running it far into the future. I guarantee that at least one of the skateboarders on display will hype you up to go skate faster than any chemical caffeine canister could.
Ralph Lloyd-Davis