The Vault welcomed the Death Skateboards team when they toured their most recent video ‘Ordinary Madness’ this winter. Watch the footage with Dan Cates, Patrick Melcher, Boots, Mikey Patrick, Mike Simons, Adam Moss, Benson, Sam Murgatroyd and Moggins.
Tag: moggins

The Death Skateboards team have ended 2012 on a high. Once again, their commitment to UK events, making great products and general scene dedication has seen them flourish into one of the longest serving skateboard companies in the UK.
Five years ago, Death delivered Better Than Life, an amazing collection of footage which saw their worldwide squad up the ante tenfold. Since then, this dishevelled crew have worked hard to deliver another full length DVD, ‘Ordinary Madness’. A full length production that is UK’s video of the year. The UK premiere party was another dose of disorderly fun, screened at the Trinity Pub in Harrow in front of a packed house. The film itself, is by far their best production, featuring sections from all of their pro riders and also the undercurrent of flow riders on the team that are upcoming.
This latest Exposed feature delves into the filming trips behind the scenes with recollections of how OM was stitched together by Death aficionado’s. Their most animated ambassador, Mr DAN CATES, will get this party started sharing his tales of the unexpected from the sessions that made the final cut:
“For me, the funniest and most memorable moments in the making of any video usually come while on a filming mission abroad. ‘Ordinary Madness’ was no exception to the rule! Sometimes it’s the excitement of exploring uncharted territory, sometimes it’s the (usually hot) weather, and other times it’s just the fact that the crew is together once again. That generally sparks off high spirits and “good vibes”, but regardless of the reasons, fun times always occur.
One such time was on a dead of winter trip to good old Barcelona. I had organised it with Zorlac and photographer Rob Shaw, but at the last moment decided we would stay at our good friend Troy West’s new apartment instead of the hostel we had all agreed on. This ended up being not such a good idea (sorry boys!), as the apartment had no heating, Troy got ill and couldn’t skate with us, Rob and our buddy Josh Cox had to sleep together on a small sofa at night (and were not particularly stoked about it), and Moggins was going through some weird phase where all he would talk about was working on site. On top of all this, Boots, who had recently got divorced from his wife, spent most of the trip on the phone to his new girlfriend. I hate to say it, but people were starting to get on each others nerves and spirits were for once, unusually low. A few days in, the normally tea-total Boots, who had by now hurt his neck and couldn’t skate properly anyway, decided (after a lot of encouragement from Moggins and I) to start drinking Sangria at breakfast. This ended up having a knock on effect and by night fall most of the group was 2 litres deep into a Sangria binge with the now paralytic Boots leading by at least a litre and a half!
Whilst I tried to hold it down at the bar, everyone else spent hours chasing Boots around the back streets of Barcelona, bundling him and giving him ‘digs’ as pay back for being “that guy” on his phone all week. This all culminated at the water front with a cornered Boots taking both of his shoes off and throwing them into the Mediterranean in a hilarious attempt to prevent anyone else having the pleasure of doing it. After the entire crew (including Boots) had finished rolling around on the floor laughing, the ever mischievous Moggins decided he wanted more and bet me another litre of Sangria if I stripped down to my boxers and dived off the docks into the (not so warm in January) Med. I obliged and after drunkenly clambering out of the sea feeling strangely content, we began the walk back to Troy’s place dripping wet and cold with a shoeless Boots and a happy crew. We had finally found the high spirits we were searching for!”
Don’t ever bring a KFC bucket into the Death van.
“Early on in the filming Nick Zorlac aka “The Boss” came to Atlanta to visit for two weeks and get some filming in the bag too. As most people know, Nick is a night owl, usually going to bed about 5am and waking up at like 12 or 1 in the afternoon. As Atlanta in on Eastern standard time (EST -5 hours), it worked out pretty good for Nick as he never had to adjust his body clock. Most days we sat having breakfast at 8am! I kid you not, Zorlac was not only up before Midday, he was functioning like a ‘normal’ human being too! We even raked the leaves up one morning together.
So the first week went pretty good but on the Sunday I managed to twist my knee trying a disaster revert in a pool, tearing my meniscus. I was in agony and the doc said I needed surgery to fix it. Not wanting to spoil his holiday, I said I would wait a week until after Nick had left before I went under the knife.
As I couldn’t skate, we decided to go and do some tourist stuff. Atlanta is the home of Coca-Cola and they have a museum there called the world of Coke. So we borrowed a wheelchair from them and set about taking the tour. Nick was pretty useless as a wheelchair companion and kept leaving me behind and then having to come back and get me.
In the tasting room where you can sample and mix all the drinks they make, they have this huge Coke bottle. Nick wanted to take my pic next to it so, without thinking I got up and sort of walked lock legged a few paces to stand next to it. A cleaner saw me get out of the chair to walk, and proclaimed it was; “a miracle!”. She was gobsmacked. Her face was a study of wonderment and she rushed off to tell her work mates. Nick and I were pissing ourselves laughing as I got back in the chair and carried on with the tour!”.
Paws for celebration.
Cates goes feeble for the lens.
“Well, basically I was that dipshit guy who was holding the deadline off. I kept asking poor Mark (Nicolson) for a little longer, a little longer and a little longer. I was going back to this spot to film a last trick for the video and I think I ended up going there like 7 or 8 times with great experiences- like getting kicked out, windy conditions, screaming children, Skooner, body becoming too wrecked, splitting my head open, broken board, the mentals and just plain sucking! In the end it was all worth it I guess because I never landed the trick. Sorry guys. Haha!”.
10 urban shits with TIMMY GARBETT while filming for Ordinary Madness by MOGGINS:
“I’ve been skating with Timmy for over 10 years and I’ve never seen one person shit in so many obscure places. Anyone who knows him is well aware of his ‘talent’ and know that he could drop a log at any given moment. Here’s 10 shits that I came up with off the top of my head but there’s many, many more.”
1. Timmy’s first Death trip was a summer tour a couple of years ago and pretty much the first spot of the trip he decided to recreate the DVD menu from the ‘Ravenous’ video by kicking the seat out of an old chair then forcing one out whilst sat on it. Unfortunately, the result was nowhere near as impressive as the original and all he could manage was a golf ball sized piece dotted with sweetcorn. He then picked it up on a stick, smelt it, almost threw up then threw it in the water where everyone had to paddle through to get to the full pipes we were skating. Welcome to the team scumbag!
2. For some reason one evening, Timmy decided it would be a good idea to curl one out on the driveway at Chesterfield skatepark, he then proceeded to spray paint it red.
3. We went to skate some new benches at a school a few months ago and of course Timmy needed to relieve himself as soon as we got there so he took his empty pringles tube and aimed a brown torpedo perfectly into the small opening of the tin. He then wiped his arse with a banana.
4. Another one on the Death summer tour, without needing much encouragement Timmy found himself squatting over the edge of a roof laying an egg, when Steak appeared out of nowhere with a fire extinguisher aimed it high at the squatting Timmy and emptied it all over him!
5. One evening a crew of us were skating Harrow skate park and had the half-pipe lit up with a generator and lights. In the darkness, Timmy dumped a load on top of the snake-run, then kicked it into the stagnant pool of water sitting in the bottom. An hour later my skateboard ran away from me and ended up in the water. Stoked.
6. One Sunday afternoon we were skating the DIY spot in Sheffield and our mate Dead Dave was trying a wallride pop into a quarter-pipe. After a few tries of jumping off, he was given an incentive to land the trick where every time he jumped off he would have to smell Timmy’s wretched dogshit breath. After a few tries (and blasts of stench breath) Dave pulled the trick and Timmy celebrated by taking a shit off the roof into the quarter pipe.
7. The final entry from the Summer tour happened at a KFC, where we had to wait ages to get our food and weren’t allowed to sit in and eat. Timmy was upset over the poor service so after we had finished eating in the car park he decided to refill an empty family bucket with his own secret recipe, and he left the 2-piece meal on the bin for the employees to deal with.
8. After skating one night at a house party, Timmy decided to do his bet chef impression. He squeezed out his own brand of ‘special sausage’ into a frying pan, but of course this wasn’t enough, and he needed some sauce to go with it. So he pissed and puked on top of the smelly sausage and proceeded to fry it up on the hob for half an hour. Delicious!
9. Another standard evening skating down Chesterfield skatepark, Timmy got a call from work telling him that he didn’t have to work the next day. This obviously excited him as he dropped his trousers and rolled a few logs into the bowl corner while people were skating the ramp.
10. The final story was when we were skating a handrail at the bus depot in Sheffield. Dead Dave was trying to 5050 the rail and was having trouble commuting to landing it so Timmy offered to drop a celebratory egg if he made the trick. A couple of tries later Dave had put the trick down and ridden away. We all gathered round to congratulate him and to check the footage, when we turned round to see Timmy already squatting, pushing a little baby out without any encouragement from anyone, just out of pure love for a street shit.
“So there you are, a collection of short stories from my wretched mate Timmy Garbett. If you ever see him, ask him to lay an egg for you, and if it’s your lucky day, you will witness something special!”
Rob Smith enjoys ditch life with Melcher and Jackson.
“Van boredom springs to mind. Always funny shit happening in the Death fun wagon on filming missions. Whilst in the van filming for this video, I drank petrol, ate glass, deep throated a banana until puking over everyone, bleeding everywhere. People got naked. Timmy shat in the van and also in a KFC bargain bucket! That was a funny one. I also snapped my foot in 3 places whilst filming for this video in the fun bus. Not so funny story.
We also stayed in Skegness when on a filming mission and smashed an apartment to pieces, to the state where every plate was smashed, every knife and fork was bent, even the sofa was snapped in half! We left paint on the ceiling! I managed to climb inside the sofa and put it back together but when I got out I couldn’t find my phone, so we rang it and the sofa started to light up and vibrate! I’d left it inside the sofa, so I had to take it apart again to get it back! Haha! We couldn’t be arsed to fix it again. Nothing was ever mentioned by the apartment staff, in fact we have even stayed there since.”
Melcher and Jackon. Ph: Richie Valdez
“Obviously we took a new and fresh approach to making a video part on this one. Richie and I decided that, not only was innovation in the physical realm of skateboarding a necessary evil, but there must be more in the production as well.
Taking the standard “doubles” part and tweaking it into an actual “duet” proved to be a lot more mind-bending than we initially thought it would. Finding a duet song that suited us both and actually spoke to our individual styles was only the first hurdle. Whilst filming, in order to get the tempo in synch, we would bring along a boom-box and listen to the song several times during the session, mapping out the exact points where we should be doing tricks. Timing was everything. There were sessions where we must have listened to a certain part of a song 50 times before we even set foot on a board!
It’s hard enough to film a trick solo, add in the fact that you both have to pull tricks, and then on top of that, they have to fall exactly within the designated vocals of our musical counterparts. Needless to say, there are plenty of outtakes! So many times we would be so close and both pull our tricks flawlessly, but the synching was off with the music! It really got to be maddening after a while.
In skating, as we all know, you can have it down in your head so perfectly but the physical variables compound so heavily that you will surely go mad. Luckily we had a couple of filmers who understood the art of what we were tying to accomplish and were patient on these sessions.”
“The sketchiest clip to acquire was the one where Melch hangs out on that wallride to fakie while I carve underneath him. That spot is the rear of a carwash in a relatively sketchy part of LA, which is only closed for a few hours after midnight on Sunday’s. We headed over there with a crew of 4 dudes in total. Once we got the lights in, Melch started going straight for it.
The footage gives zero indication of what we were actually dealing with, but the wall Patrick was hanging off was literally someone’s back fence. There was a pitbull right there on the other side going bonkers, which at 2:00 AM woke up whoever lives there. I can only imagine what the poor guy over the fence was experiencing. He would have seen two hands in a leather jacket pop up over his fence, rattle his awning, then drop back down, again, again and again! It’s only right that the only words he spoke to us were “I’m calling the cops”.
All I had to do was get up onto the wall under Patrick, and just hope that we timed it right. We handled it as quick as we could and then rushed to pack everything up and get it in the car. I’ve never dismantled tripods so fast. We drove out of the carwash after a 15 minute session, took one right turn at the bottom of the street and drove straight past the cop car that was on it’s way to get us. Tales of Ordinary Madness indeed.”
Jackson loves walls. Ph: Melcher
“The last summer tour we did was so much fun, a.k.a the ‘Lady Luck’ tour. It went something like this:
The Death van was too small to fit a massive crew in.
– Monster Energy gave us a 17 seater bus to use stacked with drinks.
I wanted Crazy Pete to come along as co driver, but his driving licence was at the DVLA and he needed it to get insured on the tour vehicle.
– His license arrived back in the post the very morning we were leaving.
It rained, pretty much every day.
– We drove to spots that we wanted to skate through the rain anyway, and the sun came out as we were driving and dried up where we were going.
We needed lots of footage for the DVD.
– Every spot we went to multiple riders landed sick stuff, it was mental. We didn’t know where we were going. In each area we had the coolest locals with us showing us about. Lots of spots were a bust. People kept making stuff ‘last try’ literally as the security were arriving.
We needed lots of floor space for people to sleep.
– There just happened to be a spare room at the house that month, as our friend had recently relocated. (Miss you Hitcher!) And so it continued. Good times.
I also just found out that a lot of places we skated on that tour were demolished soon after or unskateable for whatever reason (new buildings etc), so if we had not visited there at that point, we would have missed out.
Oh, and we managed to skate a real transitioned backyard pool (stupidly rare in the UK) and Benson shot a photo in there that ended up being a Sidewalk cover! In a world where ‘if things can go wrong, they generally do’, it was a welcome change.”
“For this video we drafted in my good friend Jake Martinelli (the genius behind Harlow’s “Crazy Ass White Bitches” DVD) to help with filming duties so we all have more time to concentrate on skating. Every filming session was fun cos I got to skate all day instead of having to film people! Stoked! I wanna send Jake and all the filmers round the world who contributed to this video a MASSIVE thank you! From us all.”
The Death team will be repping the Crossfire Xmas Jam on the 15th December. Look out for the DVD in your local skate shop this week and enjoy Andy Evans documentary to get even further behind the scenes of Death.
Thanks to Dan Cates for the snaps.
Death’s Timmy Garbett finds time out from laying eggs this week to release his teaser for the Ratz video scheduled for release in 2013. Joe Marks, Alex Burrell, James Cruikshank, Henry Stables, Moggins, Shaun Currie and more feature in this fun filled clip. Get yourself a tee shirt from here and look out for his ridiculous Ordinary Madness contribution from Moggins in our forthcoming ‘Exposed’ feature soon.

It was 5 years ago that most of the people present tonight last stepped through the doors of the Trinity Pub. I’m pretty sure a police car was stolen, broken bottles were awash on the floors, punk rock throttled the speakers and the Death family unleashed the killer DVD,’Better Than Life’. Since then, a lot has changed. As Zorlac said in his opening speech tonight: “…some good shit and bad shit has gone down in between”. Tonight though, is all about one great feat: The unveiling of ‘Ordinary Madness’.
Mark Nicolson and Jake Shunt amongst others have worked hard to get this new Death Skateboards film out. The new wave of ams are getting better and better, making the pro’s up their game to keep their names on the wood.
Tonight in Harrow, most of the team are present and many of them annihilated by the end of the night. Even Richie Jackson, Matt Pennington and Patrick Melcher were in attendance straight off of flights from across the pond. This crew make a lot of effort and as a result, make a lot of others happy with very little politics or skateboard industry bullshit. You get what you see and you are either in our you’re out with Death, and that is to be commended.
Big shouts to all involved including Monster who provided the liquour, Wonk Unit and Meansteed, the two bands that played on the night and all who turned up to see the good ship Death sail once again. Other premiere dates and demos can be found here.
Zorlac opens proceedings…
Even Richie Jackson jetted in from across the pond!
It’s all down to these lads…
The party started….
Yep, Stalker was on fire…
Adam Moss practised his porno moves…
Rob Smith turned up as the Green Cross Code bloke from the 70’s…
The Welsh were there in force as usual.
Benson and Bain. Legends together.
Styley and Moggins ponder whose section was best.
Is that Steve Crawford peeping through the gap?
Matt Pritchard loves Pickle Porter’s.
Dinosaur Pile Up?
Brighton were in the house.
Wonk Unit punked it.
And some…
Zorlac unleashed his new Death extra-hand, shoulder jewellery.
This was the third shot I had to take from this lot!
Richie Jackson after 6 pints of Stella.
The OG’s.
Blog that you little biatch!
The smell of Sheffield was in the air.
Melcher was ready to box Denver’s Matt Pennington – btw, he’s a fucking ripper!
Snuff photo…
Nowik was in the house!
Meansteed rocked the bar.
“Hey You!”
“Clap like you are at Wembley!”
Steak’s face says it all. Meansteed ripped.
It was so emotional that these punks swapped tongues.
Zorlac was in fine form!
Essex represented!
The tattooists were out too!
The Trinity owner should receive medals for allowing this to happen.
Good to hear that Mike’s injury is on the mend.
In classic Death style, Harrow’s most infamous skateboard company has announced today that the premiere of their new full length DVD will be held at The Trinity Bar in Harrow at 9pm on the eve of October 11th from 7pm.
This traditional get together for Death Skateboards videos has not been seen since Better Than Life dropped into the skate scene 5 years ago. Bands will play, I.D will be needed, booze will fly everywhere, the sound will be so deafening that some will wear earphones, others will be unable to see the screen due to crowd surfing but good times will be had by all.
Expect live bands and the screening of Death’s most eagerly anticipated film ever. Full sections will come from Cates, Melcher, Nicolson, Dave Allen, Rob Smith, Zarosh, Richie Jackson, Benson, Boots, Dean Palmer, Moggins, Adam Moss and more.
Put the date in your dairy and get a glimpse of what’s coming from Rob Smith’s latest interview here. The Death team will be in attendance at the Crossfire Halloween Massacre skate jam at BaySixty6 skate park on October 27th.
You can find the Trinity Bar at 378-380 Station Road Harrow, Middlesex HA1 2DE
This video edit could possibly kick off with the funniest song ever. Sheffield’s locals were enjoying the Spring sunshine this weekend and smelling each other’s breath in the fresh air. Press play for footage of Dave Adlington, Henry Stables, Moggins and Alex Burrell fart-arsing about at their local DIY spot.

If music is the food of love, then what would be the food of Death? We decided to pry into the personal ears of ten Death Skateboards team riders this week to find out what their 10 favourite tracks of all time could be. Enjoy their selection as you just know that there’s going to be some top choices in here from this lot!
Photo: Rob Galpin
This song always helps put things in perspective for me. With everyone rushing around amongst the stresses and strains of modern life, people forget to love. Not physical love, but the love you have for your friends, family, pets, nature, even a sunny day maybe.
Being skateboarders, we have learned to appreciate moments, friends, fun skate sessions etc, these are the things that money can’t buy!
“….there’s nowhere you can be that isn’t where your meant to be, it’s easy”
Love from Mark.
Do I really need to explain why I like this! The only thing that ruins it is the one dude.
If you depart on a journey into the mind of Crispin Glover, you might never come back…
My song is Unity by Operation Ivy. I always liked this song and when I’m going skating I stick on really loud when I’m driving on my own. It gets me pumped up and ready to roll. It also makes me think of Buster Halterman’s section from the 1991 Planet Earth video Now ‘n’ Later, he killed it (and still does).
If I could skate half as good as him I’d be stoked!
Sick freestyle by my mate Johnny, one of Manchester’s best MC’s with production by Chimpo- Manchester’s finest. It’s just a shame it’s filmed at Manchester United’s ground and not Manchester City’s. Haha!
The track I chose is ‘aint no fun if the homies can’t have none’. It’s a classic track that’s good anytime of day and always brings the hype! It’s hard to find a better rap trio than Snoop, Kurupt and of course paying respect to the late, great Nate Dogg. R.I.P!
Photo: CJ
I chose this video as my selection because:
1. It is quite clearly the greatest song ever written.
2. It’s the most downloaded song in the world.
3. The gear that they are wearing is clearly illegal.
4. When i was in a band I always wanted to play this song.
5. I am going to see them play at Wembley arena in June.
6. The lead singer Steve Perry is the absolute spitting image of Nick who runs the Skegness skate park.
7. You would have to go a long way to find a bunch of guys with their trousers hiked up higher than that.
8. You have to respect a guy that wears a yellow leopard print shirt to every gig, especially one that doesn’t fit properly.
9. The guitarist has a blue vest that is cut off above his naval.
10. This video reminds me that I still need to visit Texas.
11. The guy in the cut off red shirt looks totally ridiculous.
12. Journey is the raddest group.
13. You should watch the ‘Steve Perry and Journey’ documentary.
14. I could quite easily listen to this song on repeat all day long and actually have done before.
15. This song always makes me feel good.
16. I think it is safe to say that these guys screwed a lot of women.
17. I couldn’t think of any better music videos.
Now then, here is my video selection. It’s Kid Acne a fellow Sheffield resident. I love the video on this as it was all shot round these parts, most of the people in it are friends so it’s really funny seeing them on it too. If you look carefully (I’m so stoked) at 0:13 to 0:18 on this video you’ll notice a certain Ben Grove getting his groove on. (He’s the one in the blue), I still think it’s one of the funniest things ever. That boy’s got the moves right? Haha! Don’t give up the day job mate!
Photo: Timmy Garbett
I could easily have picked any song by Sabbath, Hendrix or Pentagram but Mr Blue Sky is hands down my favourite song ever. It’s been my favourite song ever since I used to go and watch Birmingham City play as a kid with my old man and I still listen to it every single day.
Wherever I am in the world it never fails to remind me of home and gets me stoked out beyond belief!!
Photo: Ash Redman
If somethin’ happens in Chezzy, nothin happens…
It’s just another nigga DEAD, dead, dead, dead! Straight outta Chezzy crazy mutha frigga named Timmy Cube, from a gang called Slugga with attitude.
When I’m called off, I got a sawed off, squeeze the trigga and bodies are hauled off.
You too boi if you wanna frigg with me, Moggins is gonna have to come and get me off yo ass, that’s how I’m goin’ out, for the punk mutha fucka’s that’s showin’ out!
Nigga’s start to mumble, they wanna rumble, mix em up and cook em in a pot like gumbo.
Goin’ off on a mutha frigga like that, with a Death size 8.25 pointed at yo ass.
So give it up smooth, ain’t no tellin’ when Kennelly’s down for the jack move.
Here’s a murder rap to keep yo dancin’, with a crime record like Meadies dancin’.
T-tool is the tool, don’t make me act a mutha friggin’ fool.
Me you can go toe to toe, no maybe, I’m knockin’ nigga’s out tha’ box daily.
Yo weakly, monthly and yearly. Until the dumb mutha frigga’s see clearly.
That I’m down with the capita c-town G.
Boi you can’t frigg with me!
So when I’m in your neighbourhood, you betta duck, cus Louis Slater is crazy as frigg.
As I leave, believe I’m stompin’. But when I come back boi, I’m comin’ straight outta CHEZZY!
Visit the Death Skateboards Blogspot for all things Death this summer.
If you want to get up to date with the Russian skate scene then watch this new video titled Farsh (which means Mince in English). It has appeared online this week with the addition of Death Skateboards riders Moggins and Cates making a surprise appearance at the 13th minute and also comes with some killer 70’s rock to boot.
If you find yourself with over 30mins to spare then watch this all the way through as there are some different spots from the Ukraine, Belorussia, Georgia, Germany, Israel, China, Egypt, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and the Czech Republic to check out with skating from the impressive Yura Renov, Stas Provotorov, Maksim Ryazanov, Maksim Laptev, Ivan Uvarov, Antiz rider Samu Karvonen, Fabian Verhaeghe, Moggins, Troy West, Dan Cates, Miki Taktinen and more.