It was only 5 years ago we were partying hard across the small pond, but this year Etnies are celebrating 25 years of business this week in France and have rolled out the Public Domaine Skateboard culture exhibition at La Gaîté Lyrique. 3 artists have been chosen by Pierre-André Senizergues to conceptualize what skateboarding will be like in the next 25 years.
As a tribute to the digital and music foundation of La Gaite, UK filmographer, Mike Manzoori will capture the etnies Pro Team of Kyle Leeper, Jose Rojo, Tyler Bledsoe and Willow skating in the house creating a unique digital footprint of what the future may be like.
The exhibition runs until August 7th. Plan a weekend skate trip to Paris today but before you do check out the animated board graphics on show in Paris, endless fun.