Video edit and words by Rich Smith
The rescheduled ‘Gert Big Three‘ comp almost didn’t take place due to yet again more unfortunate British weather circumstances (rain on and off all day!) The sun came out for just enough time later in the afternoon for the set to dry (ish) and a session to go down!
First place and £500 went to an NBD fakie front side heel flip from Korahn Gayle. 2nd place with £250 went to Ash Dixon with a frontside flip, back side heelflip then robbed on a few nollie backside flips before slaming his face into the unforgiving slippery tiles of Lloyds. 3rd place went to Ollie Lock with a bolts front shuv, not to mention the numerous impossibles he landed on before the floor got to wet, avit next time kid!
After landing but not rolling countless trayflips down the three during the comp lil Joe Mercer stepped up for some overtime and got his personal NBD treflip at the end of the session, clean as a whistle! Stoked! Keep an eye on for updates on the next Big Three Jam which will be happening some time in April ’12 when it’s not bloody raining! Thanks to all who attended, BIG UP!
Rich Smith