Patrick Melcher, Dan Cates, Benson, Dave Allen and Rob Smith all have new pro decks this month on Death Skateboards. The Horror series is the latest in Death’s Spring deck run illustrated by artist Alex Duke “who shreds hard as well as being a rad artist.”
Speaking to Zorlac last night, footage is steadily coming from all over the globe in for their forthcoming Ordinary Madness DVD. Zarosh has just hand screened a new run of his custom shape ‘Bleeding Heart’ decks. You can see the new top screen print below. Dan Cates is celebrating a fan tattooing his signature on their arse cheek. Manchester’s Rob Smith is getting better from a back injury due to a nasty slam and Dave Allen is enjoying the new skatepark down the road from his house in Atlanta. Last but never least, Australian trick machine Richie Jackson just got a Slap Pals questions feature that you can see if you scroll down this page.
Visit the Death blog for all updates.