Music News

Gorillaz to release new album on Xmas Day

After much speculation, Damon Albarn of Gorillaz confirmed in an interview with Triple J that the album made – for the most part – entirely on an iPad will be called ‘The Fall‘ and will be given away for free on Christmas Day as part of the virtual band’s online advent calender.

While you’re here, watch and listen to ‘Doncamatic’ with Daley below because it’s frequently on repeat in Crossfire HQ and it’s bloody rad.

Music News

Gorillaz advent calendar!

Gorillaz have posted an advent calendar online.

The animated band are giving away free digital presents on the official site. The band said: “Greetings! Gorillaz’s little elves have been busy preparing a daily feast of Gorillaz gift ephemera for your jolly enjoyment.”

With printable masks, a game and a soundcheck from a live show given away already, who knows what is to come!

Music News

Gorillaz vs The xx – ‘Crystalised’ Live Lounge cover

gorillaz the xxIt seems that true fans of the The xx are mystified by this cover of Crystalised by Damon Albarn’s Gorillaz that was released this weekend. The track was recorded for a Live Lounge Session for the BBC and has split opinions so far across the web. What do you think of this version, beauty or beast?