Vans have unleashed a new Derelict Places edit this morning filmed inside the unused Expo 2000 building in Hannover, Germany. Watch Danny Wainwright, Kris Vile, Joshua Young, Sam Partiax and Flo Marfaing get a session on before the fuzz turn up.
Tag: Flo Marfaing
The VANS European team are dropping their Four Corners video series online right now. The most recent episode sees Danny Wainwright introduce you to skating to the East of the world map to China.
View the spots, take in the culture and enjoy the skating from Flo Marfaing, Kris Vile, Josh Young, Nassim Guammaz, Sam Partaix, Ross McGouran and of course, Wainwright himself.
Also, scroll down this page to find Phil Zwijsen’s take on this amazing country.