Skateboarding News

CANVAS announce new skatepark plans for Liverpool


The good folk at CANVAS are currently putting the finishing touches to the Campus Pool project in Bristol whilst also being up to their ears in concrete at the ongoing contruction on Bath’s new skatepark. They have found time though this week to send us an exclusive peep at their new project coming to Liverpool this autumn, so enjoy the first look at the final design plans.

Liverpool locals will be stoked on the news that this new build, funded by Liverpool City Council, is scheduled to be constructed in Newsham Park. The park itself was opened in 1868 and due to its status as grade 2 listed, this new spot will be made in buff coloured concrete due to its associated planning requirements. So yep, it’s going to be a very posh looking one.


The skatepark will also feature the following treats:

4.5ft – 5.5ft bowl with roll over
Brick flat bank and a long mellow bank with a small ledge
3ft bowled corneR
Up block with manny pad
Long mellow ledge spanning 2 platform levels.
Long steep hipped bank with grindable lip grading to the floor (Barcelona Esq)
Wembley gap with large handrail and Hubba
Small low level Hubba and handrail
Small taco ¼ with grindable lip and bank transfer – Taco has been positioned to create snake run with adjacent long mellow 2ft ¼ with hip
Pier 7 style manny pad with banked edges
4.5ft bowled ¼ with hips
Flat bar, blocks and pole jam wedge

And…a 3m long US style granite parking lot kerb. The same kerb that CANVAS are installing in several parks over the summer – Victoria Park in Bath being the first.

This project has started already and if all goes to plan this new fun palace, found on Gardners Drive will be ready to skate at the end of September/early October. Get hyped and follow the updates at the CANVAS Facebook page.

If you are Liverpool based you may also get stoked on the plans for the city to host a new ‘glow in the dark’ skatepark, rumoured to be coming your way this summer. See the designs here.



Skateboarding News

Glow in the dark skatepark coming to Liverpool?


The legendary glow in the dark skatepark installation, conceptualised by leading South Korean artist Koo Jeong A, has been commissioned to be built in North Liverpool, following the success of her work on the popular Otro Park in France (pictured below).

Liverpool Biennial in partnership with Friends of Everton Park, Liverpool City Council and Liverpool Vision are behind the project who have invited Wheelscape to build a flourescent, glow-in-the-dark bowl for skateboarding with Koo Jeong A’s involvement.

“This will be the flagship project of a citywide scheme by Liverpool City Council to produce and build five wheels parks in Liverpool” say Liverpool Biennial, which can only mean good things for local skaters and those who wish to visit one of the best cities in the UK.

The installation should be open in Everton Park on October 5th, Halloween in Liverpool just got a new twist!


Her previous work. Ph: Pilar Corrias

otro_ Glow-In-The-Dark-Skate-Park-by-Koo-Jeong-A-0

otro_ Glow-In-The-Dark-Skate-Park-by-Koo-Jeong-A-0