Guy Mariano‘s name was taken down from all Girl Distribution Company websites from sponsors Lakai, Royal, Girl and Fourstar last night fuelling a load of speculation that has just been confirmed on social media. Mariano is now officially a Nike SB team rider.
With over 20 years of friendship in the history pot between both parties, Guy has jumped ship from the warm arms of the Crailtap family into mainstream sports brand territory that has shocked many and excited some. The Nike SB instagram from the announcement is awash with joy and equal disappointment and hatred as seen in the comments below.
Trunk Boyz Elijah Berle, Stevie Perez, Vincent Alvarez and Cory Kennedy have all been announcd as pro’s this week on Chocolate Skateboards. Check out their new pro rigs here that will be in your local skater owned shop this month and more wood released this summer and new video of them all skating Puerto Rica here..
The final 45 tickets for Girl and Chocolate Skateboards’ brand new video ‘Pretty Sweet’ are now online at £6 each. Get them quick as they will go like hot cakes. Girl and Chocolate team riders Raven Tershy, Elijah Berle, Rick Howard, Cory Kennedy, Vincent Alvarez and Stevie Perez will be in attendance on the night.
The film starts at 5.45pm, hosted by Form Distribution and Crossfire. You will need to be in the venue well in advance to take your seat. You will also be asked politely to hand in your phones and any other recordable devices on entry. You will be able to retrieve these after the film.
Tickets can be bought from here. Look out for a comp to win a deluxe boxset, full set up and much more next week PLUS daily random swag on our Facebook and Twitter pages this week.
With 10 days to go before Pretty Sweet drops onto premiere screens across the planet, Kansas born, Girl Skateboards pro, Sean Malto spills some beans on his trips to the UK, what’s coming from Pretty Sweet and a little bit more.
How different has this year been, knowing you started 2012 wearing a pair of Nike‘s?
Man, it’s so crazy. I’m just starting a different chapter in my skate life. I’m just grateful for the opportunity that I have to skate for some of the best companies in the world. With that though, it creates much more traveling for me.
This was your second trip to London in 2 months, what’s your take on the terrain we have here to skate?
It’s tough, but I love the way footage looks in London. I’m a big fan of all of the Blueprint videos.
Have you found how rough our streets are a hindrance or a challenge?
It’s definitely a challenge. Getting stuff in London does not come easy! It’s a lot of walking and skating just to get to the spot. Then you have to deal with the weathered ground. I have a lot of fun in London though so I try and go there when I can.
Have you managed to film any footage for Pretty Sweet in London’s streets?
I got a few things in London that are in my part. Feds (Girl Filmer) and myself came out and skated around for 10 days and filmed kinda everything from skating spots to taking the tube. I’m not sure how they ended up editing my part but I’m sure some of that footage is in there.
Any particular UK spots that you enjoyed most?
The bench that turns into a flatbar is amazing. I’ve never skated anything like that in my life.
What about the culture, the people and the food. Some Americans hate our food…
I’m the least pickiest eater. I like all types of food, so that doesn’t bother me at all. The people are always nice and I definitely enjoy a good pub every once in a while!
Growing up in Kansas, did you have any knowledge about the UK skate scene at all?
I didn’t know a lot about it, other than the Blueprint videos. When I started hanging out with people that have visited the UK, everyone always mentioned that Nick Jensen was killing it.
Which UK skaters do you rate the most?
There’s so many talented people. Neil Smith, Nick Jensen, Danny Brady, Jerome Campbell, Paul Shier…..they’re all so awesome to watch skate.
Is your Pretty Sweet part finished yet?
Last day of filming was October 15th, so I’m all done!
Where was the majority of your footage for this production filmed?
Kinda a little bit of everywhere. Over the past few years I’ve spent time all over Europe, China, and the US, so it’s just a collection of everything I’ve filmed.
Which trick was the biggest pain in the ass to get down and where?
I filmed one of my last tricks a week before the deadline of the video. It was one of the scariest tricks I’ve every put myself through. It sucked so bad. When I landed it, I was more happy that I didn’t have to try it again than I was about landing it!
Did you have to go back to any spots to re-shoot tricks you didn’t particularly like?
There were a few things I had to go back to. Towards the end, it was more about trying to do tricks I’d been putting off until the deadline.
Did you manage to get any NBD’s down in this section?
Haha! I’m not sure. I’m not the best at skate history. I’m sure there’s a couple tricks that seem to be NBD’s, but someone probably did it at EMB 20 years ago.
We always discuss the skateboarders, but the filmers are equally important to mention when it comes to film productions. Out of Ty Evans, Federico, Ryan Lovell, Sam Newman and Roger Bagley, which one person gets the very best out of the team for their parts on the day, which filmers do you like working with mostly, and who filmed the majority of your part?
I love all those guys. Ty Evans, Ryan Lovell, and Feds filmed the majority. To be able to work with all those guys has been an amazing experience. I did work with Ty Evans a lot for Pretty Sweet. He’s so motivated, and knows what it takes to get a video done. I’ve never been on more productive trips than Ty Evans’ trips.
Sean hits up a bs nose blunt at the Ladbroke Grove rail, poached by Matt Anderson’s phone cam.
Do you know what other names came up first before they chose the title Pretty Sweet?
There was one other name that I really liked, inspired by Keenan Milton. I don’t know if I should say it, because I think it could be used for another video somewhere down the road!
Brandon Biebel mentioned in a recent interview that Guy Mariano’s part is going to blow minds. Have you been on any filming missions with him for this production?
I’ve seen a few things on trips, but Guy is a very talented and motivated person. His part is going to exceed any expectations. To me, his part is going to be one of the best parts ever in skateboarding.
Who is everyone hyped on for this video from the Chocolate camp?
Obviously MJ is the man. All the new guys on the team killed it as well though! Stevie Perez, Elijah, Raven, and Vincent took this video to a whole new level!
Any words on Gino, Koston and Howard?
Watching Gino is, and always will be amazing. No one makes it look better than him. Rick Howard is a big reason why Girl is so awesome, and why this video is even happening. I have so much respect for Rick and always have such a great time hanging out with him. Koston’s the best skater in the world! But you guys already knew that right?
For all the new skaters out there who may not have seen classic Girl Skateboards videos, Mouse or Goldfish. If you had to choose a section from each film, which ones would you choose
Koston in Mouse and Jeron’s section in Goldfish.
Tell us something about Pretty Sweet that we don’t know?
Trunk Boyz are always fun and funny to hang out with. If anyone from London wants a dose of the Trunk Boyz, I would suggest going to the premiere in the UK! They’ll be there, and in full force!
Last words….
Don’t piss into the wind.
Pretty Sweet premiere’s in the UK at the Richmix Cinema, London on Monday November 19th. Girl and Chocolate team riders Raven Tershy, Elijah Berle, Rick Howard, Cory Kennedy, Vincent Alvarez and Stevie Perez will be in attendance on the night. Pre-order the deluxe DVD boxset from your local skate shop this week.
Watch Sean’s latest footage for Kansas City skate shop Escapist, whose latest video ‘Red and Yellow’ just dropped this weekend. This part also features footage of Tyshaun Johnson.
Watch this clip of how Sean was sponsored by Girl too.
Form Distribution and Crossfire are proud to announce the much anticipated official London/UK premiere of ‘Pretty Sweet’, the new video by Girl and Chocolate Skateboards, scheduled to be screened in London on Monday November 19th.
Only 100 limited tickets for the 5.45pm public showing of Pretty Sweet at the Richmix Cinema, 35-47 Bethnal Green Rd, London, E1 6LA have been made available today for £6. Please note that these tickets are advance only and will go very quickly.
Girl and Chocolate team riders Raven Tershy, Elijah Berle, Rick Howard, Cory Kennedy, Vincent Alvarez and Stevie Perez will be in attendance on the night. Click here. to purchase your ticket.
Pre-order the deluxe DVD boxset from your local skate shop this week.
Watch Fourstar’s nine minute tour of Florida video from a recent trip to the crocodile state. This latest clip from the Tap features Sean Malto, Eric Koston, Shane O’Neill, Ishod Wair, Rick Howard, Andrew Brophy, Mike Carroll and Tony Trujillo and some good times.
If you are into Hip Hop and mixtapes, listen to this Boombap Crailtap 80 minute mix from DJ Twit featuring various tunes and samples used on skate videos. Some great tunes on here.
After hearing so much about the annual jaunts to LA that the Crailtap crew attend from UK distributor Matt Anderson, we decided to cover their latest get together and bring you some of the goodness from behind the scenes.
Twice a year, everyone involved in the brands around the world meet together in one place, but being skater run it’s not your usual 9-5 power point presentations. Matt flew into LA to hook up with the team riders and hear plans for the much anticipated Girl/Chocolate video ‘Pretty Sweet’ that will be released in November.
Following sessions at Venice Beach and the Girl warehouse, a journey to Yosemite National Park followed for some hang time and to check out the upcoming products from Lakai, Girl, Chocolate, Royal and Fourstar. Follow the photos from their latest mission to Camp Whatevs.
You can't go to LA and not visit Venice Beach. Matt Anderson takes it frontside.The Lakai Boardroom.
This is what goes down in here:
Swanski Art in the Girl ParkRoyal Trucks work bench display.Mike Carroll was repping a Prime Plymouth tee.Green screen set up's from Yeah Right and first Girl OG Series.This is the Girl warehouse packing area under the giant OG Chocolate banner.Girl boards ready to ship to a shop near you.11am meet at Girl HQ for a 5 hour bus ride to Yosemite National Park for the Camp Whatevs Sales Meeting.Biebel and Howard made sure we had enough beers for the journey.Tough meeting schedule.The first day of the sales meeting was tough. We were split into groups and all set Geocaching Challenges.Geocaching Challenge. Not sure what it's called but Matt sucked at it!More Geocaching Challenges. This time, rockclimbing with Mr Beibel!The first night is always Poker night.Rick thought he would clear up at our table....maybe next time Rick!Rick had his bb gun with him though. Biebel was hyped!This is the Lakai Archery area!Carroll even has style with a bow!Coffee break with Pretty Sweet cookies!Who were the only skate team that had Hillbillies and Beers at dinner this month?Kelly Bird and Biebel keeping warm.Matt Anderson and Rick Howard chilling at the fire pit.Work time. Check out the new Lakai shoes for next year.Check it out on Instagram #campwhatevs.
Next week we will be sending Lakai some questions about how their shoes are made and covering the journey of how they end up on your feet. If you have any questions that you would like to ask, like the leave them here and join us on Facebook.