Another one of Wheelscape’s super smooth creations is now ready to be shredded and shralped by all that are keen. Now, there’s no one better to introduce the new park to you than Wheelscape Architect Jeremy Donaldson; here’s what he had to say about the park via email.
“Wheelscape’s skatepark in Petersfield is ready to roll. Fresh super smooth concrete for street and bowl riders alike, featuring a super long linear street course and a double level bowl. Micro & mini quarters, long ledges, flat bar, hubbas, 2-flat-2 set with rail, brick gap and a wave kicker keep you entertained along over 60m of real street terrain. The main bowl is Wheelscape’s most organic creation to date with rollers in the bowl, on the coping and the decks; the platforms turn up into quarters which link into the 8ft curved Burnside wall at one end of the bowl. The 5-6ft mid section of the bowl has several hips and a roller connecting into the mellow 8 foot deep end. There is a timber deck along the length of the skatepark to give people space to chill and help stop the usual new-skatepark-mud-bath situation.”
Sounds awesome right? Have a look at the video Wheelscape posted today to celebrate the opening below and check the map to start planning your trip.