Three new videos are hot to drop anytime soon, so click away and be amazed at what kids get up to these days:
The Denver Shop from Denver (D’oh!). Featuring Justin Greer, Shad Spencer, Paul Walsh, Monico Candeleria, William Spencer, Noel Boyt, Whitney Wells, Orion Krynen, Nathan Fantasia, Brandon Greer, Tyler Price, Temuchin Cordova and Ryan Lorenz. Click here.
Safari Skate from Essex. Featuring Jim, Felix, Zakk, Ollie, Nielz, Tommy G, Matt, Will, Sharman, Tommy, Steve and Friends… Click here.
Jahlada productions from South London presents The Learning Curve. Featuring Chris Peacock, Mike Sutcliffe, Chris Ault, James Edson, Paul Rimmer, Leo Rhodes, Fred Albrow, Finn Andrés (see pic), Carl Magalit and many many more. Click here.