Skateboarding News

Extreme dirtiness

Just in case you weren’t down on the Brighton seafront over the weekend of September 9th and 10th for the first ever Extreme Dirty Weekend comp, here’s a little rundown of what you missed. Tut tut…

British vert skaters got a taste of the Vauxhall – Pete King mega ramp and this definitely brought out the talent. Little Sam Beckett won the under 16s comp and highest air flying a sweet 6feet out of the ramp. Sean Goff went three feet higher for the Pro first place, whilst Jason Lunn matched Sean at nine feet and the highest air for the over 16s. best trick went off as you can imagine when Andy Scott’s rolling around. Andy threw down a massive 540 varial. Also spotted on the ramp were Brighton locals RJ and Justin ‘Pasty’ Ashby. A second Extreme Dirty weekend is planned for 2007, so don’t miss out!

N.B. Brighton does not accommodate a vert ramp and is in great need of a proper skatepark facility. If you live in the area, and even if you don’t, please support the locals and try and help get something done for a city which once boasted Britain’s biggest concrete park ever!