History has been made this year. Before so much as a month had passed I, perched upon the edge of my bed pretending it was a sofa, watched and was inspired by the inauguration of the first African-American President of the United States. Only this week I sat, again in my pseudo-lounge, dry-heaving up any hope I had in the future of the UK as the BNP were elected their first ever County Council and European Parliament seats. Evidentially, as this year has shown, making history isn’t necessarily a good thing. But, on the bright side, it is always interesting.
And Real Skateboards have been making history too, of a sort. I don’t need to explain the obvious; any wood that DLX produce is something you can be proud of ruining, and have a great time doing it. This deck is no exception; it’s solid, rides like a dream and has massive pop, which makes a gorgeous noise, almost as nice as let’s say the sound of an egg hitting Nick Griffin.
But this deck also had me itching to get the paint scratched as soon as possible, see, the history being made by Real here is that the graphics are the worst things you have ever fucking seen. I cannot begin to describe the monstrosity, only by congratulating Real on their effort to bum out whoever lays eyes on it. See the picture to get what I mean.
Like I said though, good or bad, it is always interesting, and I’ve had more fun with this deck than perhaps any other, in a weird, post-post-modern, not-even-ironic way. I’ve grown to love it. I encourage you, reader, to do the same. Did I also mention their decks come with a free DVD of the team annihilating any spot they choose to shred and also comes with loads of free stickers?! I raise my mug, pretending it is a glass, and propose a toast to Real for making even more history!
‘Roll forever!’