Document Magazine
It seems like road trips pitching various skate teams head to head, are the latest craze to hit skateboarding and everyone wants to have a go at it. Obviously some trips look better than others, but skateboarding and travelling are 2 activities that run hand in hand since the dawn of Board time, so either way the initiative of all those involved deserves a pat on the back.
The British variation of celebrity boot camp is the Big Push: a trip that heads 4 teams with one guest skater across the UK with various tasks to achieve (drop in here, film a trick there, wear this, do that…) along the 1000 mile journey, document it all and make it back to a certain destination before deadline and last orders for a right old knees up.
Points don’t exist, but a video is produced at the end which skaters can watch and vote for. The mastermind behind the Big Push is Document Magazine, and this second leg saw Blueprint (+ Brophy), A Third Foot (+Div Adams), East (+Ollie Tyreman) and Death Skateboards (+Ricky Oyola) suffer sleep deprivation and malnourishment for our viewing pleasure.
The Big Push came free with an issue of Document Magazine dedicated to the events that took place, so it shouldn’t cost you more than a few quid, and honestly it’s chock full of rad skate malarkey. Without going into too much detail (because a lot went down), here are some highlights from each teams efforts:
A Third Foot went all out to skate the shittiest spots and tightest transitions. Something worth rewinding is Dougy’s bowl schralpage. Something worth fast forwarding is Avi’s naked body!
Blueprint edited a clean montage of sick skating, despite the horrible circumstances they had to live through. Something worth rewinding is Tukka’s line at Stoke Plaza. Something worth fast forwarding is the opening credits.
Death are always down for a laugh so expect to see all the pranks and hi jinx in this section. Add to that the fact that Dan Cates will lead his team through Hell and beyond to skate some of the UK’s best kept secret spots and you’ve got a wicked section. Something to rewind is Potter’s crailslide in the bluetile deep end. Something to fast forward is the team singing Phil Collins.
Finally, East are seriously blowing up and taking the crown for killing spot after spot after spot. Whether it’s Mackey doing a Huf, or Korahn switching things up, these guys have got all the bases covered. Something worth rewinding is Mackey’s brick channel ollie. Something worth fast forwarding … Don’t know actually? I guess you can see who I’ll vote for.
A big round of applause to everyone involved and the Document Staff for instigating a productive trip that focuses more on the actual skating and having a laugh, rather than the points and cash prizes.