(Incl. Video Days, What if?, sections from 20-Shot sequence, Trilogy etc…)
I think Christmas just came early when this popped through the letter box…
– The Blind Deluxe Box Set
i.e. Everything the Blind team riders have ever filmed in one package!
Ok, I’ll just list what we’ve got here: What If?, Video Days, all Blind sections from 20-Shot Sequence, Trilogy, Rodney Vs. Daewon 1 & 2, bonus parts from new Jake Duncombe and Morgan Smith, board galleries, Corey Sheppard art gallery, various unseen Creager footage and… some secret hidden stuff too! Phew!
I’ll skip a review of Video Days, What If? And the rest of the Blind sections from yesteryear because we all know they are great videos. Instead I shall tell you a bit about the bonus/extra stuff.
To begin with, Morgan Smith has taken a feather out of Ronnie’s cap when it comes to smooth and tech skating. This Canadian kid isn’t afraid to add an extra flip or spin whilst he stands tall on a few rails. Definitely a skater worth keeping an eye open for. Then there is Jake Duncombe with his summer footage. Jake is an ugly runt with that mullet of his, but he can definitely skate! How annoying… He even adds flair to his mullet by skating along to the old Crooner Tom Jones- Many of you might hate this track, but I quite like it (c.f. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas soundtrack).
Finally, there is Ronnie’s day at the office i.e. at the Dwindle factory. Think Daewon Song in the Deca video, but with less picnic table stacking and a whole lot more smoothness… Everything Ronnie does is bolts and will have a few of you crying at your feeble attempts to copy his effortless style. I think that despite this box set standing as a complete Blind video package, it also stands out as a testament to the level of skateboarding Ronnie Creager possesses. Never before has one person pushed the level of street skateboarding without breaking a sweat. For that alone, this collection must find its way into your Christmas stockings and video library!
(Note to Dwindle: The re-release of any other World Industries sub-companies i.e. 101 or WI, in a complete box set would be a huge success to, I think…)
Ralph Lloyd-Davis