Hello, good evening and welcome to another enthralling episode of the Mix. We have some treats for you this month. Some of them well known artists and some of them not so well known. I’ve had a few of them playing round and round in my car during these last few surprisingly sunny days. Summer seems to be on its way.
That means a lot more people out partying, fun days on the park, scantily dressed girls and ice creams. Ok maybe I’m getting a bit ahead of myself here. I need to distract myself from the excitement by showing a little enthusiasm about the quality tunes I have in my grasp. Here, have a look:
NNEKA – God of Mercy
(Yo Mamma / Four Music)
Now we have already looked at Nneka’s album, but as I am so keen on the effort and skill put into producing such good music I thought it would be a good idea to let you all know that “God of Mercy” is being released on 12th March 07. It seems that I’m not the only one that thinks this is great music. Reviews from the Sunday Times, Daily Telegraph and even Mixmag have all given Nneka the thumbs up!
This is a hip hop track full of soul, has the supernatural sound of Portishead with a touch of energy and shows how music should be made. I can’t find anything wrong with this track, so in a strange way, I don’t know what to write about it other than the fact that you should seek it out when you can.
The art work on the cover is by Adopekid & Vektori. You can check them out at www.myspace.com/adopekid. You know how I am with people and there pictures. I like to let you all know what’s out there if I can.
(Dealmaker Records)
Yes that’s right. Dealmaker records have decided to bring back the Kids “Get Your Kit On” EP a year after its release on limited edition 7″. The little records sold out in a number of days after their release. So someone, somewhere, made the clever decision to release the EP in an electronic downloadable form. This time with a supplementary pair of first-rate tracks and an additional remix thrown in for your pleasure.
In my opinion, “Uprock Theme” steals the show but I can’t fault the other tracks either. They’ve had me rocking for the past few weeks anyway. Soon enough the 7″ of this EP will be a hard to find record. So any of you lucky enough to own a copy, keep your tabs on it and make sure you play it on special occasions such as; weddings, formal dinner parties and Christmas dinners round at your grandparents house.
The sites are above, check it all out there! Download it at the Dealmaker site. Don’t forget! You snooze you lose.
GTA – Love is Here
This is more of an introduction than a review of a track. But, yes, I will give you a sniff of what is to come from this up and coming crew. I have seen their name scattered around in various places and decided that I should put their name out here. This one’s for all of you dedicated Crossfire readers. The crew consists of two MC’s: Chima Anya and Ineffable and currently works with one DJ – DJ Fu.
This EP provides us with a very positive outlook on life, looking at the bad and seeing how we can make changes. If you’re feeling thoughtful, it can give you a good insight into how to change your perception.
Some nice heavy beats, with a couple of MC’s that are full of life provides us with a pretty cool track. Yes, im up for this kind of stuff, why not. Check it out at the Myspace page above.
JOE BUHDAH PRESENTS: KLASHNEKOFF – Lionheart: Tussle With The Beast
(LowLife Records)
This is a promo! Visit www.blahblahblah.com . When I opened the package with the new Klashnekoff album inside I was a tiny touch excited to listen to it and start to review it. To be honest it started off quite This is a promo! Visit www.blahblahblah.com good. Initially. However, after about half a minute this annoying voice over came on the cd and shouted at me much louder than the actual tune, can you guess what it said? That’s right! This is a promo! Visit www.blahblahblah.com.
So because of that I’ve decided to just write this. I couldn’t bare to listen to anymore of that rubbish so I’m afraid This is a promo! Visit www.blahblahblah.com you will have to decide for yourself on this one.
Annoying isn’t it.
To end my section of this months Mix I have decided to let you in to the world of some good stickers. It seems that people into hip hop, skateboarding, snowboarding or anything of the sort like to have a few stickers spotted around the place. Me included. I found this place and they sent me a good selection of stuff as an example of the kinds of things they sell.
Check them out here www.skateboardstickers.co.uk You can get some rare, vintage stickers here. Good for your skateboards, guitars, record storage shelves. All of that kind of thing. Well, that’s what I do with them anyway. Have a look, you know you want to.
And here we are again, the end of a special time together. Don’t worry though ill be back pretty soon with a whole load more tunes and delights to spoil you with. Now, over to the rest of the crew!
Special Guest Star Zac Slack recommends:
Mark Ronson is a well known DJ, born in London who was swiftly packed off to NYC by his mum where he learnt to play records and now enjoys his routine slot on the East Village Radio called Hello Echo.
Last year he hooked up with vocalist Alex Greenwald and unleashed such a brilliant cover of ‘Just’ from Radiiohead you will ever hear with its voluptuous horn section and rework that had people clucking for a copy all over the UK.
Ronson is back this month with a 10″only release of a cover of Britney Spears monstrous pop hit ‘Toxic‘ and if you think that no one could take a cheesy pop track and make it sound cool as f*** then think again because it’s done – he even threw Ol’ Dirty Bastard in there!
Mark will release an album titled ‘Versions‘ in April that includes a killer cover of ‘Stop Me’ by The Smiths, ‘Oh My God‘ by The Kaiser Chiefs with Lily Allen on vocals and a bunch more. It sounds cheesy but once you hear these tunes and realise they are infectious, you will be searching for his stuff for the rest of the year.
Check out this stream over at Radio 1 of Ronson in the mix, it says everything if you like to party. You can find it at the bottom column of the page under the Evening session – Mark Ronson Essential Mix.
Joe Moynihan recommends:
CALVIN HARRIS – Acceptable In The 80s
(Fly Eye/Columbia)
Claiming that he has re-invented disco music, backed up with his forthcoming album’s sly title, “I Created Disco“, Calvin Harris has produced some prime examples of success on a budget. Vinyl spinner and soon to be CD release, Acceptable In The 80s, is no exception. It contains all the synthesised beats and homegrown vocals you’d expect from a lad hailing from Dumfries in Scotland. Especially one who’s reminiscing about an era filled with skintight jeans and huge hair. Wait a minute…
This track does just that, paying homage to club bangers of the decade of cheese. While it seems self-indulgent at times, it’s a grower. I’m yet to decide whether this is a bad thing, but I must pay the man his dues for plugging a song into my head and sticking it on repeat for the past 4 days. Listen at your own peril! I’m almost certain that the nanosecond this song comes on in a club, my head will be relieved and I will bop along relentlessly feeling like a GOD. This is eau de fromage to the extreme, and as much as it pains me to say it, I love it.
The Jektmosphere.
Another month, another Mix. As the sun dares to peer over the clouds and I silently eye up my shorts, wondering how early in the year I can get away with wearing them, I’ve had some quality tunes plugged into my ears. Have a butchers below and see if there’s anything you’ll dig! Whilst I’ve got your attention, make sure you check out the Buzz Chart for all the freshness and if you haven’t already, go and read my interview with RJD2, its a cracker.
RJD2 – The Third Hand
(XL Recordings)
First of all, the press release was right – this isn’t a hip hop record. That said, it is going into the Mix because RJD2 is great and I said so. This record perhaps won’t appeal to hip hop heads as much as everyone would have hoped for, especially since RJ veers further and further away from Deadringer and beyond his newer style on Since We Last Spoke.
You Never Had It So Good is the perfect example of what to expect from the rest of the album. Kicking in with some delicate keys and the soft voice of the man himself, the track hits you with some staccato pianos in the chorus and sways back and forth, a similar sound to Laws Of The Gods. Have Mercy is a track which is slightly reminiscent of his last album, with strong drums which are juxtaposed with the high range of his voice.
Beyond The Beyond is arguably the most hip hop track on the album, with its vocal samples and headnod potential and is my favourite track on the album. That said, the close runner up for me is the short Some Day which has some really nice harmony on it coupled with plucked guitar.
If you’ve never heard RJD2 before, you’ll dig this album. If you’re a huge fan of Deadringer, you probably won’t love this one so much. But RJ is clearly talented and his songwriting ability and layering on songs are brilliant, even if his voice can sometimes be a touch flouncy.
DJ KENTARO feat. SPANK ROCK – Free [Single]
(Ninja Tune)
So you’re one of, if not the, world’s best turntablists. So you’ve won the DMCs and can rock the shit out of every venue you play at with your unbelievably quick fingered skills. So what else do you need to be able to do? Well, if the answer to that question is “produce”, then Kentaro has just completed the clean sweep with this, the lead single from his upcoming album.
A club banger of a track, the fast paced Free brings a body winding bass in alongside some vibrating strings and mechanical snaps as MC Spank Rock does what he does best – rap about filth. Kentaro knows how to make a track work and this beat is the proof in the pudding. His album, which will also feature the Pharcyde, Fat Jon and New Flesh is going to be one hell of a ride.
RATATAT – Wildcat [Single]
(XL Recordings)
With the current spate of electronica rising to the forefront of the music scene, there is undoutably some real shit about. Thankfully, there is also some brilliant stuff floating around and Ratatat are certainly one of the groups that fall into the latter category. Wildcat begins with the growl of a Jaguar and as the fuzzy bass mixes in with the high pitched guitar, you know you’re going to be in for a fun ride.
Halfway through the track, the pace quickens and the melody switches into gear giving you that perfect hook that you’re going to be humming to yourself for the rest of the week. This track is both catchy and long-lasting, setting it apart from a lot of the tracks you hear these days and its no fluke as the other track on the single, Swisha, proves in a more serene and defiantly understated way.
(Anything Records)
Plastic Little are awesome for two reasons – firstly, they have a track which compares a girl’s warm vagina to a KFC kitchen and secondly, their music fucking bangs. This track is a perfect example of what to expect from the Philly crew as the huge bass, twaning guitar and warbling submerged chorus sample knock themselves about your headpiece like a women’s rally at Wimbledon.
Then comes the deal clincher – the arrival on the record of Amanda Blank. Readers of The Mix will know I love her and my mates will also know it because I can’t shut up about how great she is, so when she brings her attitude into the track with talk of hand jobs and strap ons, you really can’t get away from her awesomeness. Spank Rock does his usual sterling job on the verse and completes this brilliant 12″. Pick this up QUICK.
BONDE DO ROLE – Solta O Frango [Single]
(Domino Records)
Having seen this Brazilian group live, it was interesting to hear them on record. Their live show involved a heap of jumping around, loads of shouting and some amazing banging beats, and a hell of a lot of fun. And if Diplo says they’re the shit, then you’d better believe that’s exactly what they are.
Picked up by Domino Records, BDR have chosen a song which is translated as being Release The Chickens, and is an order for everyone to get up and party, not that you’d know that unless you speak Portugese… which I don’t. That said, I don’t need to be told when listening to this song, the sharp snaps and “Ole” style chorus had me out of my seat and pretending it was Carnival time in Streatham after 10 seconds.
For this month’s art you’re going to get a very simple message which comes in the form of the image to the right. It’s ludicrous to me that graffiti is considered a crime, with people getting banged up for so-called criminal damage longer than people who have committed serious crimes against people.
What would you rather see? A blank wall, or a colourful splash of vibrancy in your otherwise grey journey to work? I know what my answer is.
Right, that’s my lot for this update. I’m now going to go and consider whether a trillby hat will make me look cool or make me look like a right bellend. It’s hard being me. If you’ve got any music you wanna send my way, hit me up by clicking my name below. In fact, if you have any hat advice at all, click away and impart your knowledge upon me.
Until next time suckers,