The Circle
The Golden Cross, Coventry
Rarely the roles reverse at a gig when the supporting band draws a larger crowd than the headline act. Originating from Leeds/Sheffield Volcanoes are a less than conventional Indie band, attracting a diverse audience.
These guys pride themselves on their live gigs and if tonight is an accurate representation I could see why. The varied set carried a consistent momentum and the enjoyment experienced on stage was transferred through the venue. Infectious beats of Indian and Slo-Mo united the audience into a mellow rhythm whilst their newest material encouraged a more energetic response.
Released on the 8th of May, downloadable single Room with the Red Door was greeted with a jovial reception; the audience were happy to sing along to the already established track. In the middle of the set never-heard-before King Of The Hill was welcomed with a colossal cheer energising Volcanoes further. The snowboarder track reinforced how it’s refreshing to witness a band defy the limitations of an otherwise saturated genre.
Following their departure the impact of Volcanoes music became embedded as the crowd dispersed before The Circle emerged. A local band from Coventry, their music resembled a chilled-out bluesy rock sound compared to the likes of The Beatles and 22-20’s.
A solid set was delivered but the lack of crowd interaction became evident and affected the overall performance. However, The Circle managed to wake-up the filled venue as their last track increased in tempo and engaged the on-lookers. It felt they waited too long for a buoyant song and in response they played an extra, equally up-beat track.
Their final numbers injected the positive vibe that Volcanoes had left behind, by far the most inspirational band of the night. and
Sian Cartwright