Following Lou Barlow’s departure/squeezing out of the original Dinosaur Jr line-up (now unexpectedly back together again!), Lou sought solace in his 4-track porta-studio and began creating tape after tape of minimalist, stripped down song-writing and can be single-handily credited for creating the so called Lo Fi explosion in a dark and distant world before i-pods and computer files.
Alongside friends Jason Loewenstein and Eric Gaffney, Lou created Sebadoh to provide an outlet for the burst in his song-writing creativity that had previously been suppressed by Dinosaur Jr’s notoriously uncommunicative frontman J Mascis.
This timely reissue of the classic Sebadoh ‘III‘ album comes bolstered with an extra disc of tracks recorded around the same time, plenty of which are unreleased until now. This album also happens to feature some of the band’s finest songs in ‘The Freed Pig’ and the screeching rocked-out noise of ‘Gimme Indie Rock’.
If you’re new to the world of Sebadoh, then this is certainly the best place to start. Click here to buy this amazing record!