If you’re in search of the perfect three minute pop song then look no further. Frankmusik‘s ‘Three Little Words‘ is electro-pop at its finest.
Camp as can be, dripping in singalong melodies and with enough lyrical sentiment to strike a chord. The production on this EP is top notch combining danceable rhythms, infectious beats, electronic meanderings, disco synths and Frankmusik’s pure-as-can-be yet slightly erratic vocal stylings.
The song is appealing on so many levels that it’s difficult to imagine anybody not liking this, although I’m sure there are plenty whose tastes are not catered to by ‘Three Little Words‘. Second track ‘Better Off As Two‘ comes close in the perfect three minute pop song stakes although ‘Three Little Words‘ is a tough act to follow. Taking a slightly more sedate pace, Frankmusic earnestly reels off this bittersweet ditty. Pulsating synth and beats fuel the perpetual positivity of the track. ‘Run Away From Trouble‘ follows with a stab at something more intense which is somehow reminiscent of Annie Lennox.
Frankmusik’s lingering vocal lines and an ethereal feel in the musical arrangement mean that this downbeat effort is an unexpected gem. A lounge-style piano-backed version of ‘Three Little Words’ rounds off the release with a very ‘live’ feel proving Frankmusik’s talent beyond the rather elaborate production of the songs that have gone before.
Winey G.