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Dinosaur Pile-Up

Dinosaur Pile-Up
The Most Powerful EP in the Universe
(Friends vs Records)

Dinosaur Pile-Up are one in a seemingly very long string of frankly awesome bands emerging from Leeds at the moment.

Having inspired the slightly horrific but probably quite accurate title ‘nu-grunge’, their filthy guitars and power ball bass lines have been rocking the Crossfire stereo for some time. Now their new EP, brilliantly titled ‘The Most Powerful EP in the Universe‘ has just been released on the band’s own label Friends vs Records and showcases the band’s love for two of the finer things in life – the unholy riff and a whopping great melody. We can’t get enough of it!

With their own Wayne’s World style youtube channel (click HERE) now launched, Reading & Leeds performances just around the corner and their debut album still a mere speck on the horizon, things are definitely looking promising. Watch this space for our interview with the band coming very soon!

Trotty P.