(High Speed Publishing)
Thrasher doesn’t need to prove itself to anyone. Recognised everywhere as the skateboarder’s bible, this 25 year old magazine was the answer to a culture striving to survive and a ‘fuck off’ to anyone who tried to cash-in, label or disrespect the sidewalk surfing community.
The Skate and Destroy book is a testimony to all the blood, sweat and tears that went into providing skateboarding with a beacon of hope. Did you know that when Thrasher coined the phrase ‘Skate and destroy’ into their mag, a concerned mother took it into her hands to start a counter publication titled ‘Skate and Create’? Didn’t think so. That’s why this tome of provocative images and gritty text is a must-have. With words from all those involved in the magazine intimately (Fausto Vitello R.I.P/, Jake Phelps, Kevin Thatcher…),
Skate and Destroy also provides introductory profiles and stories about the key players and by the key players of skateboarding- Mark Gonzales, Duane Peters, Tony Hawk, Tommy Guerrero, Geoff Rowley… All there. Several pages are dedicated to each one of the 25 years Thrasher has been leading the pack. An extensive and exclusive number of magazine spreads, adverts, articles and photos that taught many a generation what our culture entailed.
I cannot express how amazing Skate and Destroy is. Go buy it now!!!