The Library


Author: Ben Elton
Pocket Books

Ben Elton will always will be one of those outspoken, intelligent comedians who will now and then pop up on your TV screen with his dry humour and leave you with a smile on your face. But TV is not his only forte, he can also write a good book to as he has also proved over the years.

Popcorn came out in 1996 and is a fictional, comedy thriller based on America’s selfishness. The story is based on Hollywood film director Bruce Delamitri’s rise to fame from the success of his latest tongue in cheek, killer-flick ‘Ordinary Americans‘. In the build up to Delamitri taking the honours, two serial killers are at loose traveling around various states blowing people away for no reason and are heading for LA.

On the night of the Oscars, the director feels the highs and lows of making such violent movies and whilst accepting his new Hollywood status also feels the pressure from the media and various families that hold him responsible for a new wave of violence that have terrorised their lives. Someone is always to blame and that is where the deviant, white trash Wayne Hudson and girlfriend Scout ride into town.

The story is reminiscent of the famous Manson deaths back in the 1960’s where on one sunny evening; Hollywood was broken into and murdered. It leads with excess mutilation and fronted by vicious characters but is also packed with many quotes and situations that will have you in stitches due to the naivety of the blameless American Dream.

This book had sat on my shelf for years until I realised I should pick it up and spend time with it. I was not disappointed; in fact I could not put this book down until the siege was over. It works as a comedy and also as an action packed thriller, go get your Popcorn today if you like it sweet.

Chuck Bangers