The Natural Born Skater comp reached it’s final at Ramp City, Blackpool, and there was a great turnout with the big ones like the little ‘uns going off all over the place.
In Street it was Ollie Tyreman that claimed first place, closely followed by Chris Ault and Rogie. These three have already been tipped as a future force to be reckoned with, but now it’s obvious!
For the little Under 16’s it was Jack Morris that got first place ahead of Alex de Cunha in second and Joe McGuffog in third. Whilst over on the vert ramp, the next generation was out to shine as Sam Beckett grabbed first place ahead of Paul-Luc Ronccetti.
Finally, the best trick took place on the rail set-up (Ed. When are they going to do a best trick comp on a carpark curb..?) where Eddie Belvedere threw a massive frontside flip over the rail, whilst Channon Wallace tamed a beautiful bluntslide for prizes.