I’m normally pretty good with choosing the right type of character for me, however this one was a bit more adventurous as it’s a bit different to what I’m use to, but he who doesn’t dare will never know. If I never ate cow, I wouldn’t know what a really expensive succulent red med/rare steak tasted like and the thought of that really depresses me!
First things first, it’s a short and fat bugger, kind of like a nice fat old school fish tail in a 4 foot swell, perfect. It took me a while to work it out as the tail and nose look identical, so much so that I even asked others what they thought and the unanimous vote remained symmetrical. This, combined with the Jack of Clubs printed both ways on the bottom really plays you a bluff; I had to actually get the measuring tape out to ensure I’m not nollie-ing of my arse.It turns out; the nose is half an inch longer than the tail!
After discovering this, much to my delight, I instantly marked my griptape to know what forwards and backwards is. The width of this card is a solid 8 inches, but due to its short wheel base and clever shape, it’s surprisingly light and very very poppy indeed. Every time I jump on board it feels right and I’ve had really good time with this particular model, it’s a beaut. The concave is of medium nature, not to curvy but not flat either, it works out well as I tend to ride them that way. I like the fact that it’s a bit shorter than normal too, it a good thing in my opinion.
Graphics come and graphics go, but as far as this deck goes, it’s one of the most original, yet non original (?) graphics I’ve seen in a while. It makes you want to up the stakes instantly. The board is slightly odd in relation to my previous models, but now, I have to say, it’s got me by the balls, I fucking love it!
This was my virgin ride on a THINK deck, but if you thought my affair with this company is over, THINK again!
Live FAST, Ride FAST